How We Use Funds

For over a year of delivering medical aid right into the hands of Ukrainian medics, volunteers, and defenders, United With Ukraine has forged relationships with people who can tell us exactly what they need and when. We create a personalized logistics operation from your living room to the hands of medics who are saving lives in the hottest spots of the battlefield. 

We are committed to helping Ukrainian medics save more lives and saving the brave Ukrainian defenders. Every month, we prioritize the most critical medical needs and requests, source the equipment and supplies, and deliver them via our sister organization Akvelon Ukraine Charitable Foundation, which operates with help of a local volunteer network on the ground. Your generous support travels enormous distances and helps medics in Ukraine save lives tens of thousands of miles away!

You can save the lives of those most affected by the war.
We thank you for your contribution towards the Ukrainian relief efforts.

Learn more about the impact of your donations in our monthly reports.

USD equivalent of vital aid
USD worth of battlefield effectiveness equipment & power generators
USD worth of medical supplies, devices & equipment
USD for radios & communication equipment
USD for goggles, thermal, NV & other optical equipment
USD for tactical clothing, armor & protective gear
USD for humanitarian aid & animal rescue

Your Impact So Far

As of JULY 31, 2024

Thanks to your giving, between February 24, 2022 and July 31, 2024, United With Ukraine and our sister organization, Akvelon Ukraine Social Initiative, delivered $746,385.00 worth of vital aid to Ukraine. View our monthly reports here.

We keep doing everything in our power to help Ukraine save more lives and defend Freedom. Thank you for supporting our mission through your donations to United With Ukraine!

How Your Donations Help Ukraine

Thanks to your generous donations, we are able to make real impact and save thousands of lives. Read our latest stories to see how the funds you help us raise are being put to use.

Help us by sharing the word about us on social media

How We Allocate Funds


From basic food and medicine to tactical defence, there is a constant flow of urgent requests coming from people in Ukraine, so we developed an approach to prioritize and supply the aid fast and effectively.

1. We work with trusted medics and hospitals on the ground to learn the most pressing needs  

Trusted medics, hospitals, and defenders send us direct requests for medical aid most crucial as of right now. 

2. We prioritise the supplies from the most basic ones to the complex ones and source them in Ukraine, the US, and other countries

Some medical supplies can be purchased locally and delivered faster. More complex medical devices are only available in select countries and take much more resources and time to get them delivered.

3. We fundraise through our network of colleagues, friends, and partners

We work hard to maximize the outreach and collect the necessary funding as soon as possible. You can help us spread the word on social media to amplify the impact. 

4. We deliver the supplies to the Ukrainians who then transport them to the war zone 

We partner with Ukrainian local charitable organization “Akvelon Ukraine Social Initiative” established by Sergei Dreizin and Constantine Korovkin to deliver supplies to the right hands. Our local volunteers bravely transport the supplies by means of ground transportation to the hottest places of the war zone.

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We will answer any questions you may have about our organization and ways you can help.